The Bright Blue Room

The Bright Blue Room

I don't remember the sky without    those man-made clouds - those airplane slug trails      that lead from concentration to dissipated        sky dander. But I remember the water.     Creeks and runoffs slither and coil      in my mind's three-ring scrapbook — that oily film that glittered    on the standing water -      that eerie foam near the rapids. I can feel the rough sandbanks     on my toes and the lurking fear of the cottonmouth nearby. The road noise moves him, and the slap of his body on the green-brown shallows snaps me out of myself. And I run like hell all the way to my bright blue bedroom     in that pink brick ranch and shiver with life.
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Psalm 128

Psalm 128

Everyday, Reflections
I pray.    But the vine withers. I beg.    But I'm overdrawn. And where is my faith-blessing? Why is my growth so stunted?    I beg the vine-witherer    and pray for overdraft hope. Psalm 128
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Tiny Lessons in Fear

Tiny Lessons in Fear

Current Events, Everyday
He has a tottering walk. My two-year-old on the stairs is a wafting plume of possibility. Each step is a smelting furnace as panic stokes the coals to blue, "Ore is useful enough. Who needs iron?" But leaving the forge to work means a little boy descends the terrifying didn't-happen, and becomes a walker.
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The children are chirping at the bus stop, fed on their parents regurgitations. "Are you Spanish?" "He doesn't look Spanish." "He looks Asian!" (What does that even mean?) Will they ever questions their categories? Will they reject pre-chewed fare one day? Will they fly and go look for solid stuff? And what have I fed my little goslings at home?
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I found a lightning rod today, a subtle, soul-grounding stake, copper clad and conductive      to the bone. I grabbed it, felt a lone charge surge to heaven and melt again      to earth. The outcome: threaded like a bobbin, a resignation never to be so uncommon again.
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King Gary

King Gary

He descended from the Prices   of Albion, Michigan - a humble lineage if any. He   descended the Mississippi river to the namesake state:    a dry, yankee fish; descended from a radar technician    to a night watchman, from a full-fingered man    to an amputee, from a boisterous firebrand who played a mean hand of Spades    to a wafer in a hospital bed, gagging at the  wretched    machines. Then, he finally ascended. "There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever." - Revelation 22:5
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4.5 A gasp and a cry. Thumping up steep stairs. (Too steep. Stupid builders!) “Creak,” shouts the landing. The end of the      hallway groans. Shuddering with sobs, my boy is waiting      for a savior. “Jesus is keeping you safe.” Fears stilled. We douse the bedside lamp. Darkness pounces, never slinks,      into the room. A preschool imagination fires a million synaptic           candles. Sleep quenches them -      one then 10... Later I pause at the door. Hairs on my neck exalt themselves - What if he’s not alone? The panic of a four-and-a-half year old throttles me.        And ghouls and goblins        and bad guys and grey wolves         parade through the…
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