What would I pack, if I only had moments? Each instant a panoply of choices, laboring through nightmarish voices and priority schemes, could I arrive at what I need? Yes. Them. But, God, would I even remember to take water for my toddler? What comforts would I forsake for my son? What curses would I utter in those desperate, teflon seconds as the mystery of every unforeseen heartbreak pressed in at the speed of terminal velocity? Less time than I have to read this: Run!
Psalm 90
We dwell in wooden boxes, painted up, looking well. Outfoxing the taint of decay delays our thoughts of mausolea. http://ref.ly/Ps90;niv2011
Psalm 89
Faux republics go awry. Democratic misfits try to assure. But I have a King: pure and free of counterfeit. http://ref.ly/Ps89;niv2011
Psalm 88
Standing in a theater of grace and belonging Loneliness can throttle you. Like bitterness the unseen is still real. http://ref.ly/Ps88;niv2011
Psalm 87
How much more will they sing and dance at the ringing, prancing, pouring shouts: "This one was born in Bethlehem!" http://ref.ly/Ps87;niv2011
Psalm 86
If I could unite my heart to Yours and right it with unknown rhythms, in time with eternal love, then I'd know joy. http://ref.ly/Ps86;niv2011
Psalm 85
Earning a promise is as backward as commanding love. It is given and enjoyed or remanded and destroyed. http://ref.ly/Ps85;niv2011
Psalm 84
Home is a sign of better things. Fine summer days and a perfect snow display protection and often unsung love. http://ref.ly/Ps84;niv2011
Psalm 83
The din of pretend gods smothers Your voice like gravy. Choices become agonies when ears are too feeble and falter. http://ref.ly/Ps83;niv2011
Psalm 82
Shrugging past the poor is a felony of heart. Using them as political chuck is barely less than capital. http://ref.ly/Ps82;niv2011