Would I enjoy being bent to the point of fracturing if I were sure that I was being righted from within? https://bible.faithlife.com/bible/nlt/Ps119.137-144
If I never hurt - If I never cried for injustices - I might never know the brokenhearted need to cast aside the old government of my careless heart. https://bible.faithlife.com/bible/niv2011/Ps119.129-136
The sky soothes with a serene posture. Is anything happening up there? Meanwhile, below the cloud belt, God acts. He manages, a few minutes more, from Person to person, remotely. https://bible.faithlife.com/bible/niv2011/Ps119.121-128
The "wicked" are always somebody else. Couldn't be you or I. We're so civil. What if our assumption is a false hope? What if hate is crouching at ourĀ hearts' door? https://bible.faithlife.com/bible/niv2011/Ps119.113